A Christmas Carol – February 2007

A version of Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol adapted by Geoff Guy.

This was a youth production performed at the Wheatpieces Community Centre.

Performed  at the Wheatpieces Community Centre – which is a good venue and might be considered again by TADS. This was originally being directed by Pat and Philip Davis – but they split up in Dec 2006, so I took it on. Philip had originally intended to audition school youngsters and use six: 22 turned up at the audition, and I took them all, to produce sound effects and crowd scenes. I was Scrooge – type-cast, they say. I was hugely helped by the three women in the cast. Alter-play comments were mostly about the impressively disciplined manner of the kids, which they had a lot to do with. The manager of the Centre was very helpful and (at that time) wanted more TADS. I wrote the script but leaned heavily on Dickens for most of the Iines, to make it as authentic as possible.

Geoff Guy as Scrooge