Amadeus: 8th & 9th June 2024

Amadeus by Peter Shaffer was our spectacular production at The Roses, on 8th and 9th June 2024.

It is the tragic story of Mozart’s life as told by rival composer Antonio Salieri, and was played as a thrilling dramatic spectacle directed by William Tombs, with live music directed by Vicki Wagstaffe.

There was an ensemble of actors, musicians and singers comprising of TADS members and Tewkesbury Pub Singers.

‘Amadeus was a fantastic achievement and everyone involved should feel very proud. Well done; you were a credit to TADS.’

Brenda Read-Brown, TADS Secretary

‘What a fabulous show!! Absolute triumph from everyone really well done. 💖’

Audience member and friend

‘Amadeus was phenomenal! Are you quite certain you’re an amateur group? Just incredible.’

Audience member and friend.

Tewkesbury Direct article, by Amber Holmes (June 2024)

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Two Rivers Osteopathy.