Once This Was A Poet: 2nd March 2024

A man and a woman meet, fall in love and get married, and then one of them dies. Nothing unusual in that, you might think, but they are both poets, and that makes everything different.

This was TADS’ entry into the Worcestershire Theatre Festival 2024.

We won:

  • adjudicator’s award (for Paul Sawtell’s sounds);
  • best actor (Greg Aston);
  • best actress (Katie Preedy);
  • best play;
  • best in festival

Congratulations to all the cast and crew.

The original production of this play was in 2008. Click here for more information about that production.

Tewkesbury Direct article, March 2024

The cast and crew of Once This Was A Poet advanced to the All England Theatre Festival in May 2024.
Festival Results:
Best Female Actor (Katie Preedy)
Nomination for Best Male Actor (Greg Aston)

Thank you for representing TADS in style and quality.

Once this was a poet in National Drama Festival!

According to the organisers (NDFA), the National Drama Festival is “the place to see the cream of British amateur theatre. Groups from within the British Isles are chosen to compete as a result of their success in the current festival circuit. They’ve all won awards and have been deemed by the adjudicators to be this year’s ‘Cream of amateur theatre’.  It is one of the prestige annual events in this country’s amateur theatre calendar.”

And TADS’ production of Once this was a poet, written and directed by Brenda Read-Brown, has been chosen to be one of the 14 plays in this year’s festival. We’ll be putting the show on on either 20th or 21st July in the Albany Theatre in Coventry. 

If you haven’t seen the play, you should – and this is your last chance. Tickets are available here https://www.albanytheatre.co.uk/whats-on/drama/ but wait for further news to find out when we’ll be on.