This production was entered into the Gloucestershire Drama Association’s One-Act Play Festival 2004.
It won: Runner-up to Best Play and Best Original Play

A group of villagers meet for their committee meeting. But what is the real reason for this meeting?

This was an original play by TADS member Geoff Guy. A sense of impending doom surrounded the characters of this short play, as they tried to continue their meeting as usual despite the obvious knowledge that their end was rapidly approaching. This play raised questions about how its audience would react in a useless situation offering no escape, and ended on a substantial climax.
The cast was slightly different when this play was revisited for Tales of Intrigue & Adventure in 2011.
Marion – Penny Tubbs
Joanne – Oonagh Hughes
Ruth – Karen Steger
Frank – Mike Babb
James – Geoff Guy
Robert – Jon Wagstaffe